Here are some things you can try at 11, 21, 31, or 51 when your soul feels restless.
Read MoreJesus teaches that it is not the self-assured who experience peace with God, but the humble, the poor in spirit. Later teachings of Jesus tease this implication out. Even when the self-assured are decidedly more upstanding, it is the poor in spirit who get to know God.
Read MorePraying with Martin was like standing on the edge of a waterfall. You were aware that you were in the presence of this immense and powerful current that, if you let it, could easily draw you over into the vast unknown…. Donald Miller wrote, “Sometimes you just have to watch someone love something before you can love it yourself. It’s as if they are showing you the way.”
Read MorePrayer is an essentially human practice. Religious people pray. Non-religious people pray. This reflection leads us deep into the Christian practice, showing how Ephesians 1 reframes why, what, and how we pray.
Read MoreWe don’t have to be discovered in all our exquisite individuality in order to be whole. We can be human and holy in the grace of God.
Read MoreIt seems to me that one of the best reasons to practice listening prayer is that it’s a practice that allows us to develop the inner strength to be present to others.
Read MoreThere is something wonderfully non-intuitive about the first of the seven “signs” of Jesus in John’s Gospel.
Read MoreWhat if the story the Bible wants to tell is not primarily about human willfulness, sinfulness, and disobedience, but a story about connection and relationship?
Read MoreThe classical Christian solution to a sexualized culture is the virtue of chastity. Unfortunately, the word chastity is a confusing virtue with a number of unhelpful connotations.
Read MoreIs love holding close, or is it letting go? The answer is, of course, both, but how do we know when to hold and when to release?
Read MoreHave we contemplated the mystery and generosity of God sufficiently this Christmas in celebration that we are ready to give joyful witness?
Read MoreThis liturgy should be celebrated after the evening meal and before bedtime. Instructions will be in italic, bold text should be said / sung together, plain text should be read by one person, suggested prayers are included in the room blessing but feel free to make / use your own.
Read MoreSomething within us seems hardwired to believe that against all odds, and most of the evidence, this year will bring something new. It seems to me that our species needs hope almost as much as we need oxygen.
Read MoreChristianity does not avoid, dismiss, or flee from suffering. It stares unflinching into the horror, injustice, rage, and grief and says, God is here… even here.
Read MoreThe light that overcomes darkness, whether the darkness that puts rich against poor, nation against nation, or sister against sister, incarnates itself in and among the weak. The God we find in the grit and grime, in the marginal and vulnerable, is capable of meeting us in our darkness and vulnerability too.
Read MoreWhat if life with God requires time to dream?
Read MoreAdapting to silence is hard, but if we are able to do it, few things are more beneficial.
Read MoreGod, then as now, doesn’t meet my expectations. God expands the categories…
Read MoreHere is a woman who can sing a revolutionary hymn while scandalously pregnant. Here is a woman who’s costly, “yes” to the call of God changes history.
Read MoreWhat if we brought our “that’s not fair….how could you… and, I hate this,” to God?
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